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I Did Not Serve…



I did not serve for Presidents or parades.

I did not serve for brass bands and marching feet.

I did not serve for glory or rank.

I did not serve for medals or political party.

I did not serve for status or station in life.

I served for a Nation and it’s ideals.

I served for the Constitution and it’s way of life.

I served for Freedom and Liberty.

I served for my friends and those I never met.

I served for traditions and long held values.

I served for duty and quiet dignity.

I served because a Nation called and I answered.

I served because it was the right thing to do.

I did not serve for Presidents or parades.


Trump Acts Like Pharaoh Removing All Traces Of Predecessor


Many reporters, newspaper op-eds and “talking heads” have mentioned, more than once, that it seems that President Trump has an obsession to anything which has to do with President Obama, Obama’s Administration and his legacy.

Using every method he can, Trump is trying to destroy his predecessor’s name like it was a “cartouche” on an ancient obelisk.

“cartouche: noun a carved tablet or drawing representing a scroll with rolled-up ends, used ornamentally or bearing an inscription.
ARCHAEOLOGY: an oval or oblong enclosing a group of Egyptian hieroglyphs, typically representing the name and title of a monarch.”

From executive order to executive order, grandiose tweets and podium statements, Trump appears determined to erase President Obama and his achievements from history.

Like Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, Trump is determined to chisel away at Obama’s legacy and existence as an American President.

Like Pharaoh, he desires the worship, adulation and loyalty of the masses while destroying the past along with the accomplishment of others.

A New Start And Voice For Dare To Dream


14468750_10208271937649360_1856133955139387798_oTen years ago, this past January 2007, Dare To Dream meekly “went” on the “World Wide Web,” but it wasn’t till the following year, 2008, that we hit our stride.

Now we have made a new commitment to renew our original goal that “Mankind is our business…”

Starting November 1st, 2018, Dare To Dream will be changing, not in looks or attitude, but in approach. We will be adding more guest posters, both who we agree with or not, and open up a dialogue in civility that we see as so needed in these unnerving times.

We will concentrate more on posting our opinions and views at least twice a week, if not more, and encourage civil debate, respect in comment and in action.

We look forward to another 10 years.


Talent Maybe Given But Must Be Honed


When I was much, much younger, Mom had asked me once what I wanted out of life?

I thought for a minute and answered, “Not to die ordinary.”

In hind sight I guess that was rather “snobbish” and arrogant on my part but there is a bit of truth in it.

Not that I felt better than my peers, or above everyone else, but I wanted to leave a mark, change a life or “touch the world.”

I always wanted to be a writer, but ah-last I was lazy and never “fine tuned the craft.”

“Dream’t the dream” but didn’t work on the basic realities.

So now I find myself in the so called “Autumn” of my life and must admit that in most of my skills and talents, I wasted many a day dreaming of the “greatness” and never took the time to work on those gifts.

I guess the biggest complaint I have with the wasting of my talents is that there is no conclusion.

Above average baseball player but never a great one.

Good writer with some gifted lines but the novel and play sit unfinished.

So-so amateur photographer but frustrated in learning the techniques.

My Dad had a stand by sermon he would bring out of the file about talents and hiding them.

The “candle under a bushel” sort of sermon and I’ve been remembering that sermon a bit more lately.

So those who are younger than I, wiser and smarter, may I impart that to succeed one must put in the “work.”

Talent is given but must be “honed.”

Oh, and one last thought. “Ordinary” is not a bad place to be and I think I’m OK with that.

Please follow me on:
Twitter @DaddyT
Instagram @tristan.hand

Thoughts On A Chilly Weekend


There is something about this time of year that brings out the dreamer in me.

I’m not sure if it’s the gray shades of the changing days or the crispness in the air.

It could be the shifting colours of the leaves in their announcement of the coming winter or the woody smell that hangs in the evening dusk, but it never fails at this time of year that my primeval clock nudges my senses and I awake from some muted daze and dream those fantastic dreams of years gone.

They dance within my minds eye as flickering flames upon a hearth fire of some Celtic fable that occurred in a prior life.

Ah, Autumn, let me feel your breath upon my soul.

With Trump, Up Is Down And Down Is Up


In October of 2016, after my vacation visiting the Battlefield’s of Gettysburg, I wrote a post on my observation of the Trump candidacy and the election.

A year later and many trials and incidents later, a time to re-post.

Growing up a Republican, in a Republican household, I have witnessed a complete melt-down of the Republican Party and un-reversible harm to the Nation as a whole.

Here is the RE-POST of my October 5th, 2016 comments.

14468750_10208271937649360_1856133955139387798_oLast week I took a vacation visiting the “hallow” battlefields of Gettysburg.

As we were wandering through the museum, I happened to come upon a quote that began me thinking about this years Presidential election.

The quote was on a wall, in a corner and could have easily been missed when walking about the museum.

A simple quote written, one hundred and forty-nine years ago this month, in the New York Times, October 1867.

The contest touches everything and leaves nothing as it found it. Great rights, great interests, great systems of habit and thought disappear during its progress. It leaves us a different people in everything.

Watching Morning Joe on Monday, I heard Nicolle Wallace and Joe Scarborough lament that:

Donald Trump has re-defined conservatism, re-defined the Republican Party.

I say he has re-defined America.

I’m not a big fan of Glenn Beck but on Meet the Press on Sunday, he said something I agree with and totally applaud:

We are so busy fighting with each other that we are in danger of losing more than our jobs or even our country. We are losing each other and even our families. How many of us can’t even talk with our parents, brothers, sisters or in-laws?

Trump and his candidacy of anti “Political Correctness” has destroyed a common sense of morality, a common respect for the individual and the plain everyday value of just being courteous to one another.

He rails against President Obama for what he calls “apologizing” for our Country yet turns around and belittles, malign and berates the system he wishes to “serve” as President.

His gaming the system by using tax laws to save money he calls “smart” while the middle class bares the brunt of that system.

How much body armor for our military could his almost a billion dollar loss buy for our soldiers, which he says he champions?

How much of that loss could have helped in VA medical care, not to mention education, homeland security and general relief?

Trump shows us almost daily how he’s changing the very core, the very fabric of this great nation.

He’s tapping into the dark side of human nature, the “bully” part of power, the selfishness of the I.

Donald Trump has re-defined America.

“Great rights, great interests, great systems of habit and thought” are disappearing because of his candidacy and will leave us a “different people in everything.”

Words Matter


Words matter.

Whether spoken or written, words are the very soul of our being and they define us as a person and individual.

My Dad use to say, “Don’t hold me accountable for what I think, hold me accountable for what I say.”

F Scott Fitzgerald wrote in his 1928 short story The Freshest Boy, “It isn’t given to us to know when one word will heal or one word will kill.”

I first read these words when I was a teenager in High School and they have “stuck” with me ever since.

Verbal or mental abuse is just as horrific and scaring as physical abuse.

My Father was not one on sentiment or affection.

The day I returned from the service he greeted me with a hand shake, a smile and a pat on the back. The word “love” wasn’t a word he was comfortable using. It wasn’t until many years later, days before he died, that I received a phone call while I was working out in the Northwest. It was Mom and she said “Your Dad wants to say something” and she handed the phone to him.

He had cancer and it was hard to talk but he gathered his strength and his raspy voice said, “Son, I love you.”

The last words I heard him speak.

Words matter.

The night my Mom died unexpectedly, I had stopped by to visit and run earnings for her. It was a cold freezing Ohio January night.

Before I left, Mom said, “Give us a hug lad” and as we hugged she said, “I love you and tell Bob I love him too.”

The last words I heard her speak.

Words matter.

In today’s world of ethnic and identity put downs, name calling and political hate mongering, it’s obvious we have lost a sense of what words mean.

What action do they stir and incite in the heart?

What do they teach our youth?

What memories or scars are left by the verbal abuse?

“…one word will heal or one word will kill.”

Words matter.

A Cup of Tea, A Quiet House and A Morning Thought


This growing older thing is a wonder to me. Not the fact of physically growing older with it’s many aches but the mental state that plays on my daily thoughts.

Recently I’ve question who actually reads my musings, ramblings plus the many pics that I post. Better yet, who is actually moved to pause and think on the subject, who finds a certain photo, poem, tidbit uplifting or pretty and finally who have I touched and made their day better or richer for the effort?

We read and hear so much about “Presidential Legacy” but I wonder about my legacy. The “normal” man legacy. What will be the stories and memories told about me after I have “shuffled off this mortal coil”?

All my life I have heard, first from my parents, then from friends and associates, “You are such a dreamer.” Which always struck me as a negative, but now as I approach the last few bends in this road I travel, I proudly say, I dream still.

Maybe not of a future but of the road already traveled and experienced. The road that has left it’s milestones on my heart, mind and being.

Dreams of friends and family gone but not forgotten. Dreams and memories, the legacy left to me from those I knew, those I loved and those who shared a moment in time with this humble traveler.

I think it is good and wise that each of us should pause and question our “legacy.” Question the road traveled and question the direction and accomplishments as we head into the final valley of our journey.

I think I am at peace with my journey. Some regrets, some “do overs” wanted, some dreams just dreams, but in general I can say I tried.

Now it’s up to time to see how the last few miles unfold, for as I once wrote: “Enough of my dreams have come true to keep me dreaming.”

Protect The Republic


14322417_10208143730324257_1652658488763930166_nSince the election last November, I have been neglectful to Dare to Dream.

Like many Progressives, Liberals and Activists, I was in a state of disarray after the November election. You might add, fearful of the days, months and four years that stretched ahead for the Nation and the World, so I backed off the “blog.”

Over the last several months I have watched, contemplated and hid my emotions about the events, plus policies, that this President and his Administration have proposed, implemented and steered our Country towards.

The time has come to be silent no more, for “Silence means consent” and I do not consent.

It is time to Protect the Republic.

In firing of the FBI Director, James Comey, the President has brought this Nation to the brink of a Constitutional crisis.

Add his attacks on the Judiciary and Press, we see a pattern that should sound alarms across the Country and the world of Free Nations.

After much thought I have come to the conclusion that it’s time for a Special Prosecutor to Investigate the Russian tampering, collusion and the undermining of the Constitution, Democracy and the Republic.

Yesterday when the President had a meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister and only the Russian State owned press was allowed in on the photo-op, it is time to speak out and be counted, for this attack on the 1st Amendment is an attack on the Republic.

When the Judiciary system and Judges are maligned and attacked, the Republic and Constitution is under attack

When the rule of Law and Ethics is disregarded, ignored and flaunted, The Republic and Constitution is under attack.

This is not a Political Party issue, this is an American survival issue.

My Father, 8th Army Air Corp, and my Mother, WRAF, who served as a Control Tower Operator, fought in WWII for Free World values and to protect Democracy, not Russia.

I’m a Viet Nam Era Vet who served to protect America, not Russia.

A distant relative, Irish immigrant, Adjutant General Edward Hand, served in the Continental Army fighting  to Free the Colonies from the rule of monarchs and oligarchs who would meddle in our destiny and it wasn’t so we could become a satellite state of Russia.

Another distant relative, Judge Learned “Billings” Hand, often called the “10th Supreme Court Justice, served to protect the rule of law and believed in the “Spirit of Liberty” and not the oppression of that law in favor of the rich and the few.

In October of last year, I wrote a blog post that the Election of Trump would re-define America, change the very course of direction and nothing would be the same. It appears that lament and prediction has come to reality.14468750_10208271937649360_1856133955139387798_o

Sanctuary Of Memories


All Alone in a Crowd

Christmas night.

I close my eyes,
And slip into the sanctuary of memories.

Echoes of a tune
That I sang in childhood.
A simple melody of my youth,
A carol of Christmas pageants gone.

Its centuries old refrain
Lingers among the hazy vision
Of specters now at rest.

Ancient words
Numb the body like a Winter chill
As I see the child I was
In the comfort
Of those who protected me.

Dizzy senses filled with pipe smoke.
Crackling fire lit logs,
Dancing bubble lights upon the tree,
Her gentle hand,
His warm smile,
Forever haunting.

The choir of my school days softly sing,
“Of all the trees that are in the woods,
The holly bears the crown.”


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Time For…


All Alone in a Crowd


Christmas is the time for remembering,
It’s the time for all those hidden thoughts of days gone by
And all those dreams that might have been.
Christmas is the time to recall friends of the past
And times shared in moments of warmth and joy.
It’s what makes the rest of the year worthwhile
Or life more bearable.
Christmas, a word that brings forth smells of bread and cakes,
Of wood smoke and pine boughs
Or Granddad’s pipe.
A time for choirs and carols,
Bells and steeples,
For snow and ice,
Grandeur and a humble stable,
A moment of peace in a world of turmoil,
A brief period, when all turn to noble thoughts,
A Holy Season of a Child’s birth.
Christmas, the perfect plan for life.


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The Wish


All Alone in a Crowd


There is a story told ’round fires bright,
Of an ancient birth, which was to set the world right.
But due to man’s inhumanity to man,
Turmoil ruled throughout the land.
So in that Spirit of the birth of old
May I wish you a season and a year of gold,
Blest with love, faith and humanity.
This I pray to God, in all sincerity.


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Washington’s Farewell Address A Warning For 2016 Election


zeimusu_George_WashingtonAlmost 220 years ago, America’s first President decided not to run again after two terms.

There were no Constitutional limits at that time but he yearned for private life, a simple life.

He took the opportunity in September 1796 to give an address that was his guidance and vision of how the new Republic could survive.

Often called “Washington’s Farewell Address” it was both a challenge and a warning to the Nation.

First he warned of foreign involvement in America:

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government …

He also warned of Political Parties:

However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Washington also warns that some may  claim to be working for the people by answering their demands and solving problems but in reality they are working to obtain power from the people and place it in the hands of a few unjust people.

He thought they would seek to obstruct the execution of the laws created by the government, or prevent the constitutional branches from enacting the powers provided to them by the constitution.

Despite Washington’s calling to only change the Constitution through amendments, he warned the Nation that there might be those seeking to overthrow the government and thereby would use constitutional amendments to weaken the governmental structure to a point where it would be unable to defend itself from political factions, enforce its laws, and protect the people’s rights and property.

So fast forward to the election of 2016.

We seem to have a foreign government, namely Russia, interfering with our election and closely tied to Donald Trump’s candidacy.

We have a GOP controlled Congress, the Legislative branch of Government, obstructing the Judicial branch from fully completing their constitutional tasks and even threating to obstruct, impeach and disrupt any person whose is not of their liking.

We have a Congress threatening to amend the Constitution to obtain their ideals.

We have two Political Parties seemingly out of touch with the 50/50 makeup of the Nation and thereby bringing about complete gridlock in the seeking of power and control over the other.

We have a Nation heading towards complete Fascism with Donald Trump or into complete governmental gridlock and chaos with the election of Hillary Clinton.

President Obama is correct that it isn’t just Trump or Clinton names on the ballot.

It’s Freedom on the ballot.

It’s Democracy on the ballot.

It’s America’s future on the ballot.

“Locker Room Banter” Or “Boy Talk” My Father Would Have Paddled My Butt


dscn2327Donald Trump calls it “locker room banter.”

Melanie Trump, his wife, calls it “boy talk.”

My father would have called it “vulgar” and off to the “wood shed” I would have gone.

Since when did we become some tolerant of inappropriate, disrespectful and degrading language?

Today recordings, on a “shock jock radio show, were aired of Donald Trump Jr mouthing and spewing forth the same sort of rhetoric that his father was caught uttering in a “hot mic” situation which has lead to the “locker room banter” quip.

Guess the “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” or “Like father like son.”

For all those Evangelicals who are Trump supporters, may I point out John 5:19 and what Jesus said,

 Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.

Or if you like the old Testament, Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

 If one can not teach his child the moral direction to follow, how can he show a Nation?

Locker Room Banter vs Political Correctness


cloud_lIt’s been all over the news the last couple of days, replay after replay of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s demeaning, lewd and vulgar comments about and towards women.

Even boasting about his sexual prowess.

Go channel surfing and there it is, video plus audio, analyst after analyst weighing in on the “October Surprise.”

Trump defiantly has answered his critics that this 10-year-old video was nothing more than “locker room banter.”

The GOP nominee has often commented, over the 2016 campaign for the President, that the nation is to Politically Correct.

He has stated that “I don’t, frankly, have time for total Political Correctness” and he thinks the “nation doesn’t either.”

He has now shown what he feels is acceptable in everyday language, “gutter talk.”

Growing up I never heard my parents swear or be vulgar.

They taught me that the English language had enough words to express ones feeling and emotions without vulgarity.

My Dad, who I would describe as a simple North Dakota farm boy, often told me that an “educated man or women” didn’t need to sink to perverseness in their language to express a thought or action.

Political Correctness, for me, is just another way of being respectful, being courteous and acting dignified in dealing with other people, all of which Mr. Trump has “no time.”

Trump Yard Sign = Endorsement Of Remarks


shape-writing_fabien_udr_01Guest Post: Steve Oravecz

Even Republican nominee Donald Trump seems to see his latest scandal is hurting his chances of winning the presidency

In case you missed it, here is what Trump said from the Washington Post:

Even Republican nominee Donald Trump seems to see his latest scandal is hurting his chances of winning the presidency

In case you missed it, here is what Trump said from the Washington Post:

I did try and f*** her. She was married.

I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married…Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap-opera set.

Your girl’s hot as s***, in the purple,

States  Billy Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

Whoa! Whoa!

I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

And when you’re a star, they let you do it.  You can do anything.

Another voice is heard, apparently Bush’s

Whatever you want?

Then Trump adds.

Grab them by the p***y,”  You can do anything.

Trump’s so called apology is inadequate. He apologized for his words, but they were more than words.

In the first place,he says his words are much different that the words and actions of Bill Clinton. How? Trump acknowledges attempting to seduce a married women. The fact he was a loser and she rejected him is irrelevant. He tried to do what Bill Clinton did.

Second he calls them decade-old remarks that don’t reflect who he really is. Yet they are consistent with many other statements he has made over the years. This old dog has not changed his spots.

I am sickened by what I heard today. Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. –Speaker of the House Paul Ryan R-Wisconsin

I’m out. I think we should all stand up and say we should not tolerate this. Rep Jason Chaffetz –R-Utah

Mr. Trump, I respectfully ask you with all due respect to step aside, step down, allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles. Sen Mike Lee R-Utah

As the father of three daughters, I strongly believe that Trump needs to apologize directly to women and girls everywhere, and take full responsibility for the utter lack of respect for women shown in his comments on that tape. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)

These, and many more prominent Republicans have distanced themselves from Donald Trump over his vulgar remarks about women.

But the average person can respond as well.  Anyone who continues to display a Trump yard sign and continues to support Trump is implicitly endorsing his view of women.

Evangelicals Believe In Forgiveness, Just Not For Dems


It always interests me to hear an Evangelical Republican say they believe in “forgiveness” and go ahead to disprove that statement.

Yesterday on Morning Joe, Representative Sean Duffy, Republican, Wisconsin, was asked to defend Donald Trump’s statements, actions and attitude.

Joe asked him how “Evangelical Christians” can support the candidate.

Representative Duffy was quick to answer, “You know, Evangelicals are a forgiving lot.”

I sat there shaking my head and mumbling, “They’ve had a lot of practice.”

From David Vitter, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich and Mark Sanford, to name just a few, and now Donald Trump, the “forgiveness” list is extensive.

Usually after evoking the “forgiveness” clause, the attack begins on Bill Clinton and his infidelities.

No forgiveness there.

Evangelicals forgave President Bush for the war in Iraq and over 22 million missing White House emails but attack Secretary Clinton on 30 thousand so-called missing State Department emails.

No forgiveness there.

Donald Trump can malign Veterans, Women, Latinos and Muslims but there’s always forgiveness.

Let Secretary Clinton call some of Trump supporters “deplorable” and no forgiveness.

Evangelicals can forgive Bush and Chaney for lying to the American people and getting us into a war that cost many lives, but Hillary Clinton faced an eleven hour grilling over four deaths in Benghazi.

No forgiveness there.

Bush, Chaney and gang commit what is tantamount to war crimes and Evangelicals forgive but because President Obama won’t use the term “Islamic Terrorist” he is unpatriotic.

Yes, Evangelicals believe in forgiveness, just not for Democrats.

*NOTE: This posting was written and posted before the news, and video was released on Thursday, of Donald Trump’s degrading sexist remarks. That video and remarks will be the ultimate test for the Evangelical community and how they proceed with their support of Mr. Trump and their attitude of “forgiveness.”

2016 Election: “The Contest Touches Everything And Leaves Nothing As It Found It.”


14468750_10208271937649360_1856133955139387798_oLast week I took a vacation visiting the “hallow” battlefields of Gettysburg.

As we were wandering through the museum, I happened to come upon a quote that began me thinking about this years Presidential election.

The quote was on a wall, in a corner and could have easily been missed when walking about the museum.

A simple quote written, one hundred and forty-nine years ago this month, in the New York Times, October 1867.

The contest touches everything and leaves nothing as it found it. Great rights, great interests, great systems of habit and thought disappear during its progress. It leaves us a different people in everything.

Watching Morning Joe on Monday, I heard Nicolle Wallace and Joe Scarborough lament that:

Donald Trump has re-defined conservatism, re-defined the Republican Party.

I say he has re-defined America.

I’m not a big fan of Glenn Beck but on Meet the Press on Sunday, he said something I agree with and totally applaud:

We are so busy fighting with each other that we are in danger of losing more than our jobs or even our country. We are losing each other and even our families. How many of us can’t even talk with our parents, brothers, sisters or in-laws?

Trump and his candidacy of anti “Political Correctness” has destroyed a common sense of morality, a common respect for the individual and the plain everyday value of just being courteous to one another.

He rails against President Obama for what he calls “apologizing” for our Country yet turns around and belittles, malign and berates the system he wishes to “serve” as President.

His gaming the system by using tax laws to save money he calls “smart” while the middle class bares the brunt of that system.

How much body armor for our military could his almost a billion dollar loss buy for our soldiers, which he says he champions?

How much of that loss could have helped in VA medical care, not to mention education, homeland security and general relief?

Trump shows us almost daily how he’s changing the very core, the very fabric of this great nation.

He’s tapping into the dark side of human nature, the “bully” part of power, the selfishness of the I.

Donald Trump has re-defined America.

“Great rights, great interests, great systems of habit and thought” are disappearing because of his candidacy and will leave us a “different people in everything.”

A Gettysburg Vacation Stirs The Soul


gettysburg-2As soon as you drive into Gettysburg and on the vast National Park, you have a sense of “hallowed” ground.

The rolling farm lands, ridges and thickets that abound with the sound of nature, all hide the carnage that was July 1st through July 3rd, 1863 and what would become known as the Battle of Gettysburg and the famous Gettysburg Address given by President Lincoln on November 19th, 1863.

We have a friend who with her family goes and visits Gettysburg once a year and I can see why, for in our two-day vacation stay, we only touched the surface of what is a truly a memorable, historic and soul-searching site.

As we toured the museum, I found a quote that caught my eye. It was on a wall, stuck in a corner that could be easily missed if one was rushing by.

It was a simple quote from the New York Times, written in October 1867.14468750_10208271937649360_1856133955139387798_o

 The contest touches everything and leaves nothing as it found it. Great rights, great interests, great systems of habit and of thought disappear during its progress. It leaves us a different people in everything.

My thoughts were many after reading that quote.

I thought about what my distant 3 times removed Great Uncle David Gregg and his family felt and suffered during this bloody time of American history.

David was an immigrant Englishman who with his wife and family lived in Mercer Pennsylvania when he enlisted.

He was a Pvt in the 148th Pennsylvania Regiment and died 15 August 1864, age 28 at Andersonville Prison, Georgia. He left a wife and four children.

The contest touches everything and leaves nothing as it found it.

As we toured the many sites and viewed the historical markers, I found myself at sunset in the very spot that the Confederates made their finally charge on July 3, 1863. Commonly known as Pickett’s Charge, it signaled the defeat of this great “Civil War” even tho the war would continue two more years.

A visit to Gettysburg is a tour of the worst of humanity and to the best of humanity.

After a visit to this sacred spot, one truly knows

It leaves us a different people in everything.



I Won’t Be Watching The Debates


The news media is predicting a very large segment of America will be watching the Presidential debate on Monday between Trump and Clinton,

Well, this is one who won’t be watching.

Let’s face it, the modern debate isn’t a debate of logic.

For example, the Republican primary debate was more of a shouting match, a talk over your opponent and insult barrage than facts, figures and positions debate.

The Democrat primary debate may have been more fact and policy orientated but still lack that “old fashion” debate process and style.

All the hype leading to the debate seems to be an exercise in media marketing, journalistic one liners and sound bites.

Gone are the fact driven and fact oriented moderator and journalist.

Gone are the Murrows, Smiths, Kaltenborns, Cronkites and the many others who sought truth and fact.

I would hazard a guess that the majority of those tuning in Monday night will be watching like a NASCAR fan does a race, waiting with bated breath for that spectacular car crash.

Trump supporters will be relishing every put down, misstatement of facts and lies that their candidate puts forth as tho they were “Holy” written.

Clinton supporters will be touting her ability, her temperament and demeanor.

The moderator Lester Holt will simply channel worn-out and often over asked benign questions that we have all heard before.

In this Presidential election, it’s hard to think that anyone viewing the debate will have their minds changed  from what they believed before the debate.

To me, I can’t fathom that there is a large segment of undecided voters still out there to be swayed after almost a year of this unbelievable election cycle.

So Monday night I will take a long walk, enjoy the company of my family and friends while having a stress free evening avoiding TV.

A Trip To The Zoo Adds To My Fear For The Future Of The Nation


dsc_0043God knows I have many, many “pet peeves” and the older I get, the more I add.

My first major “pet peeves” are people who park in marked fire lanes when running into the grocery store or waiting for someone to come out of the store.

The second “peeve” is concerned with those who roll through stop signs as they drive on to another street or going through an intersection at a four-way stop.

I imagine in my mind these are the same people who tell their children to obey the law and support “law and order” but obviously not by example.

Yes I understand these are not major “crimes” but they are symbols of obedience to the principle of “law and order.”

After taking advantage of free tickets to our local Akron Zoo this weekend, I now have another “peeve” to add to my list.

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in mid September.

Crisp and bright but not hot.

There were many families taking advantage of the Sunday afternoon to tour the zoo and I thought that was great to see but that feeling was soon dispelled as we toured the exhibits.

My father would have been very dismayed indeed with what I saw was basic lack of parental controls on the multitude of children running about.

It wasn’t bad enough that as you walked about you had to watch that you weren’t bowled over by a speeding child running back and forth around your legs, you also had the deafening screaming and yelling at the animals at each exhibit.

Then add parents with strollers who seemed oblivious to people around them, or even standing at exhibits as they shoved their way to the front to view, and you have the ingredients for what would seem to be chaos.

I was also shocked at the lack of respect for the animals as little ones pounded on the glass at displays yelling as parents stood by silently.

After and hour or two the crowd thinned out and the zoo experience became less noisy and hazardous, but I still wonder if the lack of respect shown towards each other can’t be summed up in the simple fact of lack of respect for the animals, the simple gesture of pounding on the glass going uncorrected.

Are our future adults being shown by example?

Respect the animals.

Respect the humans.

Respect, dignity and courteous.

Isn’t that really the definition of “political correctness.”

Photography, The Universal Language


This post was originally posted a year ago, 8/25/15.

I decided to re-post with some minor “tweaks.”

DSC_0032It appears that since my retirement, I have picked up the ability to speak a language.

A language that I’m quickly finding is universally spoken and displayed.

A language that seems to unite and bind the world.

A language which needs only a camera, or cell phone, and the want to display the world as seen through one’s own eyes.

Granted it is one that I do not have a great fluency but one that I am practicing and perfecting.

One that has brought me in contact with others around the world who speak and display their own unique dialogue of the language that is photography.

Without knowing how to speak their native tongue I am able, with the help of the world-wide web, Instagram and Facebook, communicate my thoughts, dreams and the world about me by posting a simple photo.

From Milan, Paris or Cape Town, from Bangkok, Sydney or London, with a simple click on a heart or a like, people are in touch and “voice” their opinion of your craft, art or vision.

On Instagram I have watched with great anticipation the number of my followers, as well as those I follow, go from a dozen to nearly 400 and growing.

From all over the planet, their life and my life shared through the lens of a camera.

The language of a photo.

Truly, a photo is “worth a thousand words.”

A Liberal’s Political Holy Grail: 1956 GOP Platform


eisenhowerWriting to his brother in 1954, Republican President Dwight D Eisenhower wrote some very prophetic words:

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are…a few…Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid,”

60 years later and the Grand Old Party has changed from a “number that is negligible” to a number that is far more substantial and I’m sure that President Eisenhower would still consider them “stupid.”

Two years later, the Republicans would write a document which became their 1956 election platform. That platform projected a lot of Eisenhower’s philosophy in a more social liberal nature of politics without abandoning their core conservative economic approach.

In 1956 I was ten years old and as I have often written on Dare to Dream, I grew up in a “follow the General anywhere” Republican family.

My Dad was a World War II vet and North Dakota farm boy who liked Truman and Eisenhower, so politics were a frequent topic of conversation in our household.

Political topics would range from the DFL, Democrat Farm Labor, to military expansion, so the ground work was built for my later life as an adult voter.

I must admit that I had never read or heard of the 1956 Republican Platform until recently.

In doing some research on Rhode Scholars, I came across the list of people who were members of this honored group of men and women.

Among them was one name who I have admired for a long time.

One who I have found to be  a kindred spirit politically, Rachel Maddow.

In checking out her biography, I came across a quote that interested me in further research:

“I’m undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I’m in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform.”

That statement sent me off on a web wide search to find what I could consider to be the political “holy grail.”

So after a few key strokes and a couple of enters, there it was, The Eisenhower Republican Platform.

I read with fascination and wondered out loud, “where are these principles and ideals today?”

There are seven planks of the 1956 platform which should make a liberal’s heart race and passion soar:

1. Provide federal assistance to low-income communities;

2. Protect Social Security;

3. Provide asylum for refugees;

4. Extend minimum wage;

5. Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people;

6. Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union;

7. Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.

It’s obvious that this 1956 document is a road map for the problems that plague us in 2016 and if politicians would take it to heart, take it to the people, it would register with great clarity and popularity.

“The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere.”

“In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people’s money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.”

“The individual is of supreme importance. The spirit of our people is the strength of our nation. America does not prosper unless all Americans prosper. Government must have a heart as well as a head. Courage in principle, cooperation in practice make freedom positive.”

After several discussions, and emails, to a good friend, Steve Oravecz, former Political Reporter for the Warren Tribune, we were of the same mind, the principles and values proposed in 1956 have been lost to the “Alt-right’s” obstruction and contempt for all things “progressive.”

So General, 60 years later and tho the numbers  in the GOP oppose progress are many, you are still correct in your assessment, “stupid.”

Trump, Sarcasm And The Truth


shape-writing_fabien_udr_01Some say that sarcasm is the “lowest form of humor,” while others think it’s the “highest form of wit.”

I use to fall in the latter but Donald Trump has made me reconsider my thinking on that statement.

Over the last several months, Trump has made several outlandish comments, attacks and vile statements, only after much media coverage, plus hoopla, restate his opinion with “…it was sarcasm.”

Stating that President Obama and Hillary Clinton “…were the founders of Isis” and Isis “MVP,” he came under a barrage of criticism, then and only then did he state that it was “…sarcasm.”

On another occasion, Trump invited Russia to “hack” Clinton’s computer system to find 30,000 deleted emails. Stating that the American Press would be interested and grateful.

That comment of hacking turned into what many thought was an invite for a foreign power to be actively involved with our “Political System” and most importantly, undermine our “National Security.”

After days of Trump surrogates  trying to clean up the mess, which is a daily occurrence when Trump speaks, Trump heads for what he thinks is the higher ground and states, “…it was sarcasm.”

Now the crying baby incident.

In itself, this should have been just an off the cuff remark, but when added to all the other outlandish pronouncements and statements, is very telling into Trump’s nature and temperament.

Again after several days of media and “talking heads” claiming he was anti baby, Trump comes out with  “I was joking.”

My opinion is that Trump lacks humor or wit.

I remember pictures of his stoic stare and demeanor at the Annual Press Corps Dinner, “Nerd Ball”, when President Obama poked his thin skin with real wit, barb after barb.

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in 1390, The Cook’s Tale which is part of the Canterbury Tales:

But yet I pray thee be not wroth for game; [don’t be angry with my jesting]
A man may say full sooth [the truth] in game and play.

It simply means, “Never a truer word is spoken but in jest.”

Trump means what he says in his original statements and his “I was being sarcastic” is but “…game and play.”

Senior Gone To The Birds



Bird CollageAlmost 30 years ago, we moved “out” to what was then considered the “country” part of the county.

Now it’s considered a “bedroom community” and an area stuck between two large Northeast Ohio cities.

One of the first things I did, upon moving in, was put up a bird feeding station in the back garden on the Eastern side of the house.

This single feeder was very visible from our sun-room where we could enjoy it while sitting at the desk working on budgets, household tasks, writing or just relaxing.

That single feeder brought me so much joy.

My Mother had encouraged my avid interest in photography and also knew of this growing love of birds.

She was responsible for giving me my first book on birds, which ironically arrived several day after her passing.

It was the start of my love affair with the birds, photography and our local wildlife.

Be it Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter, that little make shift feeding station was my pride and joy.

Now fast forward to today. 1st Feeding Station #3

We now have 12 feeders with four feeding stations, North, East, South and West. Bird baths, several suet feeders and a Hummingbird feeder complete the extent of our endeavors.

Over the years we added brush piles, to go along with our wooded area, a small wading pond and last year we had the property declared a Wildlife Habitat.

At last count, we’ve listed 37 types of birds that have visited our feeders and or property. That includes those that stop, twice a year, during their migrating.

Along with the aviary, we have our resident Eastern Cottontail rabbits, one who has even become so use to us she will hop right up to us, chipmunks, raccoons and four types of squirrels, Silvers, Blacks, Reds and Pine.

Next year we are adding a Butterfly garden to complete the habitat.

I have been fortunate that my love of photography is now intertwined with my love of birds, or maybe I should say, all things nature.

The last several years has seen the addition of new cameras, lens plus photo apps, my own web site, all to enhance what started out as simple enjoyment of a single feeder from the sun-room window.

Now with retirement, a little hobby has turned into a full-time adventure.Montage_Collage_Fotor